Ticker Focus: Technical Signal Check on Shares of Biolase Inc (BIOL)

Taking a closer look at technical signals for Biolase Inc (BIOL), we can see that the short-term moving average Hilo channel is presently Sell. This indicator calculates the moving average based on highs/lows rather than the closing price. The signal direction is currently Weakening. This signal indicates whether the Buy or Sell signal is getting stronger or weakening, or whether the Hold is heading towards a Buy or Sell. Looking at the reading from another indicator, the 20-day moving average vs price signal is showing Sell. This is the signal from the 20-day MA which is used to monitor changes in stock price. The current signal direction has been noted as Strongest.

Occasionally, investors will find themselves looking at an underperforming portfolio. Sometimes, this may be a case of the portfolio not being properly diversified. Investing too heavily in one stock or sector can cause the balance to tip the wrong way, especially if the overall market takes a downturn. Although there is no one way to protect against tough economic conditions, setting up the portfolio to withstand a prolonged sluggish period can help ease the mind of the investor when markets are in turmoil. Maintaining a large mix of different types of stocks may help the portfolio survive through rough patches down the line. 

Investors may be watching stock price support and resistance levels on shares of Biolase Inc (BIOL). The support is simply a level where a stock may see a bounce after it has dropped. If the stock price can break through the first level of support, the attention may shift to the second level of support. The resistance is the opposite of support. As a stock rises, it may see a retreat once it reaches a certain level of resistance. After a recent look, the stock’s first resistance level is 0.95. On the end, investors are keeping an eye on the first support level of 0.91. Investors will be watching the company shares closely as we head through earnings season. Interested parties will be watching to see if the company can beat analyst estimates for the quarter, and see what kind of impact the earnings results have on the stock moving forward.

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Investors may also want to take a longer-term look at Biolase Inc (BIOL) shares. According to the most recent information, the stock has a 52-week high of 2.87 and a 52-week low of 0.91. Tracking longer-term price action may help provide investors with a bigger range of reference when doing stock analysis. We can also check on the current opinion signal. For today’s trading session, the signal is 100% Sell. This is the combined signal for the previous month when applying a wide array of studies based on price movement. Investors may also be interested in the strength and direction of the opinion signals. The opinion direction is currently Strongest. This is a measurement over the past three trading sessions that provides an indication of whether the latest recent price movement is following the signal. A Buy or Sell signal with a “Strongest” direction indicates that the signal is gaining strength. The opinion strength signal is currently reading Strong.

Focusing in on some other information, we can see that the stock has a current weighted alpha of -47.81. The weighted alpha measures how much the stock has increased or decreased over one year period. The weighting puts greater emphasis on more recent activity providing a more relevant measure for short-term technical analysts to use. A positive weighted alpha reading indicates that the stock has risen over the past year. A negative reading would indicate that the stock is down over that same time period. Technical traders often use the weighted alpha to help discover stocks that are building momentum. Turning to analyst views, the current analyst rating on the stock is 4.666666667. This is using a scale where a 5 would represent a Strong Buy, a 4 would equal a Moderate Buy, 3 a hold, 2 a moderate sell, and a rating of 1 would indicate a Strong Sell.

Investors are constantly looking for ways to find success in the stock market. Figuring out what stocks to buy can be tough. With so many different names to choose from, the task can seem quite overwhelming at times. Many investors will opt to go with a mix of growth and value stocks. Investors looking to capitalize on shorter-term price movements may have a completely different game plan than those who are looking to fin stocks to hold onto for the longer-term. Finding quality stocks that match the individual’s criteria may take a lot of effort and dedication, but it may be well worth it for the long-term success of the portfolio.      

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