Analysts Are Justifying Beacon Roofing Supply, Inc. (NASDAQ:BECN)’s $35.8 Target

Sell-side equity analysts are typically working super hard to create realistic target prices for stocks that they cover. After a recent market scan, we can see that Beacon Roofing Supply, Inc. (NASDAQ:BECN) has a current average target price of 35.8. These analysts may have different ways that they arrive at a target price. Because target prices are estimates where analysts feel that the stock may be heading, there are obviously no guarantees that the stock price will actually end up there. Investors have the ability to track analyst targets, and they may decide that a specific analyst is right or wrong. Some investors may choose to do their own analysis and see how it compares to what the professionals are thinking. Investors may also have the ability to study the numbers and look at how accurate certain analysts have been with projections in the past. If a specific analyst has a good track record, investors may choose to pay more attention to the target. Because analysts use various methods for creating these estimates, there may be a very wide range of estimates given for a particular stock.

After an investor has figured out their financial and investment goals, they may be interested in designing a specific stock portfolio that will serve those goals and help create and sustain profits well into the future. There is an overwhelming amount of information available on creating winning stock portfolios. Some strategies will work well for certain individuals, and some strategies will not. Understanding the challenges that are involved with creating the perfect portfolio may help the investor ascertain how much time is needed to properly manage the portfolio. Some investors will want to be hands on and do everything. Others will seek and employ the expertise of industry professionals. 

Following recent trading activity on shares of Beacon Roofing Supply, Inc. (NASDAQ:BECN), we can see that the stock has been hovering near the 33.4 price level. Shareholders might be asking themselves whether now is a good time to buy or sell the stock. Over the previous 12 weeks, the stock has moved -10.43%. Looking back over the last month, shares have moved 0.27%. Over the previous week, the stock has changed 4.42%. Investors may also be watching the current price in relation to the 52-week highs/lows. After a recent scan, we note that the 52-week high is presently 39.33, and the 52-week low is 25.31.

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Investors have the ability to follow Wall Street analyst views when conducting stock research. Sell-side analysts often put in a lot of time trying to evaluate the inner workings of a company. They may dig through the financials, conduct interviews, and pay keen attention to conference calls in order to compile data for the research report. Many analysts will offer buy, sell, or hold recommendations for stocks they cover. Checking on shares of Beacon Roofing Supply, Inc. (NASDAQ:BECN), we see that the current average broker rating is 2.67. This average rating falls on a scale from 1 to 5 where a 1 would indicate a Strong Buy. On the flip side, a 5 rating would signify a Strong Sell. Based on data provided by Zacks, there are currently 4 polled analysts rating the stock a Strong Buy or Buy. Investors often have to decide whether they are in agreement with how the analysts perceive the future prospects of a specific stock.

Investors may be sizing up shares of Beacon Roofing Supply, Inc. (NASDAQ:BECN). After a recent check, we see that the current quarter EPS consensus estimate provided by Zacks is standing at 0.7. This EPS estimate is comprised of 6 sell-side analysts polled by Zacks. For the last reporting period, the company posted a quarterly EPS of 0.92. Analysts and investors will be closely studying the next round of company earnings reports. Consistent success on the earnings front may point to the company moving in the right direction. On the flip side, a company that has strung together a few bad quarters may ring the warning bells for interested investors.

When putting hard earned money at risk, investors will want to look at all the angles in order to make sure that no stone is left unturned when building the stock portfolio. With so many different stocks available to trade, investors may need to figure out a way to make the selection process manageable. Some investors may choose to start with industry research first and eventually filter down to individual stock picks. Others may want to start at the individual stock level and go from there. Whatever the approach the investor chooses, putting in the time and effort might greatly help the long-term performance of the stock portfolio.

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